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Griggs 1Gal Passiflora edulis 'Frederick'

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Griggs 1Gal Passiflora edulis 'Frederick'
Product Details
Common Name:
Passion flower Plant Type:
Evergreen vine Family:
Passifloraceae (The Passion Vine Family) Geographic Origin:
South America California Native?:
Plant Size:
15-20 feet
Landscape/Garden Uses:
walls and fences
Flowering Season:
Spring to fall
Flower Color:
White Exposure:
Sun or light shade Soils:
Well-drained soil
Suggested Irrigation:
Moderate watering Estimated Hardiness:
Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
This is the premier fruit producing passiflora for warmer areas of Southern California and it will grow inland with protection. The flowers are fragrant and large. The fruit is as large as a goose egg with a purple skin and delicious pulp when ripe. For best flavor, the fruit should never be picked, it must fall naturally. If it is allowed to wrinkle a bit after collecting, it becomes sweet ambrosia. The plant is very productive in warm areas. This outstanding Patrick Worley hybrid is vigorous and blooms from late spring until fall. This plant is excellent for a sunny location and makes a good, rapidly growing screen for an unsightly fence or outbuilding. Sun, rich, reasonably well drained soil, moderate watering.