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Sacramento County Breeding Birds: A Tale of Two Atlases and Three Decades of Change Book

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Sacramento County Breeding Birds: A Tale of Two Atlases and Three Decades of Change Book
Product Details

Sacramento County Breeding Birds examines how nearly three decades of dramatic transformation of much of this county have affected our local breeding birds. The book puts the changes in breeding bird status and distribution in the context of conservation efforts and changes in land use, climate, and regulatory protection. The text focuses on the most significant changes and a complete set of paired maps shows the changes in breeding distribution for every species.

But don’t assume that this is a story of gloom and doom. While some breeding birds have declined, and others disappeared altogether from the county, even more new breeders have arrived. And some species have demonstrated remarkable adaptability and resilience by colonizing urban habitats.

Authors: Edward R. Pandolfino, Lily A. Douglas, Timothy D. Manolis, and Chris Conard

Praise for Sacramento County Breeding Birds:
“Carefully and insightfully written and strikingly illustrated…” Daniel Airola, Editor, Central Valley Birds
“This will become an invaluable resource for ornithologists and land use planners…” Jon Dunn, Author, National Geographic Field Guide
“Eminently readable and admirably thorough…” Ted Floyd, Editor, Birding Magazine
“Differences between the two datasets are ingeniously analyzed and highly informative…” Steve Rose, Author, Breeding Bird Atlas of Nevada Co.