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Random House Happy Houseplant Coloring Book

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Random House Happy Houseplant Coloring Book
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The Happy Houseplant Coloring Book is artist Caitlin Keegan's deep dive into the wild world of houseplants. Dare to dream about your own indoor jungle as you color cozy scenes featuring fifty common plants, from a spiky cactus and luscious anthurium to a majestic dragon tree and trailing pothos. Each of the fifty intricate illustrations displays a houseplant in a unique habitat of its own—on an apartment windowsill, in a greenhouse, or prominently featured in a luxe lounge. Color each plant and then flip to the backside of your artwork to learn the names of the most common species, read about the plant's natural environment, and study how to care for them with tips on water, soil, sunlight, and whether or not the plant is safe for pets. The sturdy, perforated pages can handle colored pencils, crayons, or markers. Tear out to share with friends or feature as art in the home. Author - Short: Keegan, Caitlin Pages (actual): 112 Illustrations (TI Sheet): 1C; 80 Pcs. Line Art

Product details

• Made in China • Weight: 1.06 lb (481.94 g) • Dimensions: 10 x 7.7 in (25.3 x 19.5 cm) • SKU: 9780593578803