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MBN 4FL Dendrobium kingianum 10746

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MBN 4FL Dendrobium kingianum 10746
Product Details

This is a smaller species of orchid that can be grown outside in the warmer parts of Northern California. They need approximately the same amount of sun, water, fertilizer, and protection from frost as Cymbidiums, and can easily be grown anywhere you see those being raised. They flower in midwinter, bearing short spikes of rosy pink flowers that have an intensely sweet fragrance at night. A single large container plant can scent a backyard, or drive you out of your house if you bring it inside. They don't like any direct frost, but our plants are progeny from a single, very large plant in a 10" container that survived (barely), unprotected, the Great 19F Freeze in Santa Cruz in December, 1990. It grows happily with at least half a day of direct sunlight, monthly feeding with soluble fertilizer (full strength Miracle-Gro or equivalent) and watering a couple to several times a week. Shen it outgrows its container, which it will do in a year or two, repot into Cymbidium bark (finest grind) if possible, else the finest orchid-blend mix available. Pull young plantlets off the tips of the older growths, or divide your clump up after flowering, and spread them around to friends. Along with Cymbidiums and the reed-stemmed Epidendrums, this is one if the easiest orchids for Californians to grow. Orchidaceae. rev 5/2018