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MBN 1Gal Yucca whipplei

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MBN 1Gal Yucca whipplei
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whipplei Santa Lucia Mountains form, under oaks massive ssp. parishii at RSABG sad ultimate fate how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Just this plant's name immediately sweeps me away to the steep, rugged slopes of the Santa Lucia Mountains looming over the Big Sur coastline, where their silvery white clumps are dramatically sited against striking rock formations and picturesque chaparral native plants. Keep your eyes open, populations are variable depending on where they are found. The largest individuals are seen in the the San Gabriel Mountains, in the population sometimes recognized as subspecies (or variety) parishii. Except for that form (see below) plants will usually flower after 4-10 years, sending up a stunning, terminal, vertical plume of dazzling ivory white flowers on a robust spike to 8-10' or more, and up to 15' for ssp. parishii. Plants of all types will look and grow best in full to part sun with average to good drainage, mineral soils or very light pottings mixes, little or no fertilizing and for almost all sites no summer watering after established. Site it well away from paths, entries etc. rev 8/2018