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MBN 1Gal Pellaea cordifolia

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MBN 1Gal Pellaea cordifolia
Product Details

A clumping grower featuring strong, light tan, wiry, upright, arching, scrambling, scandent and sometimes vining zig zag stems that reach almost 3' long. This intriguing species is very similar to the closely related P. ovata and is suspected of producing natural hybrids with it (the sterile triploid P. sagitta). Juvenile-phase fronds grow more horizontally and show larger, flatter, rounder and more blue-green pinnae (leaflets). Intermediate-phase growth is similar but can produce spores under long-day conditions. Mature fronds emerge more vertically before arching over, sometimes almost to the ground, reaching almost 3' long on happy, well-adjusted specimens. The mostly triangular to heart-shaped pinnae are grey green with a frosty white recurved margin and are widely space, appearing to hang in space. This can take considerable heat, sun and dry conditions once established as befits its origins in Mexico and central to southwestern Texas. With its intriguing combination of golden stipes, blue-green then greyish leaflets, silvery margins and and captivating growth habit, a well-grown individual in your special spot or carefully chosen pot can easily serve as the focal-point specimen for the whole porch, patio or landscape. Sun to warm, bright shade, average to very little watering, might prefer granular, limestone soils but clearly grows fine in normal acidic media. Old fronds die as new ones emerge in spring and should be removed occasionally or even annually lest your zen-like specimen turn into a giant, ratty tangled ball of wire. USDA zone 8/Sunset zones 5-24