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MBN 1Gal Passiflora edulis 'Red Rover' 11510

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MBN 1Gal Passiflora edulis 'Red Rover' 11510
Product Details
From our grower's website... edulis PURPLE PASSIONFRUIT the familiar one, grown for its intensely fragrant, almost perfumy orange pulp with a distinctive, pineapple-like flavor. Oval to almost roundrange from 2-4" across, depending on variety, and usually will turn from green to dark purple black as they ripen then fall at full maturity. Best quality comes if fruit is allowed to hold until fully color then left to after-ripen off the vine. The skin will be very wrinkled when it's fully ready to eat. All varieties are fast evergreen vines with large, glossy, lobed green leaves and small but very pretty greenish white flowers, with many small corona filaments that are usually zoned purple around the center. Full sun for best production but part shade almost always works as well. Passion fruits are notorious for being short lived on their own roots, so plant in well drained soils, with a good gopher basket also if any are present at all. Most selections are quickly damaged by hard freezes though most established plants will resprout readily from their roots if killed all the way down. We offer only self-fertile selections of Passionfruit. Protect from frost, USDA zone 9/Sunset zones 9, 16-17, 21-24. rev 1/2019. Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil. 1/2019

'Red Rover' BIG RED PURPLE PASSIONFRUIT almost ready to pick! Axel's very nice plant this Patrick Worley selection is distinguished by its red coloration on new stems and leaf edges. The fruit are a lighter color at maturity, being more of a dark maroon as opposed to the typical purple black of 'Nancy Garrison' and most other varieties. Some feel it is sweeter than most other varieties, probably by virtue of being less acidic versus actually accumulating more sugar, but I haven't tasted it yet to personally vote on the issue. As usual, wait until completely dark until picking, then leave in your fruit basket until the skins are dry and deeply wrinkled before consuming. Full sun, good drainage, protect from hard frost. USDA zone 9a/ Sunset zones 16-17, 21-24, or with freeze protection anywhere. rev 1/2019