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MBN 1Gal Eriophyllum lanatum 'Siskiyou'

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MBN 1Gal Eriophyllum lanatum 'Siskiyou'
Product Details
Eriophyllum lanatum 'Siskiyou' CALIFORNIA WOOLLY SUNFLOWER those flowers! March, bloom begins same place, another plant a tough, attractive selection with great silvery foliage backing really good, strong, Euryops-type yellow flowers. Provides excellent color from spring through summer or even fall. Drought tolerant, low, weed-smothering, relatively fast and reliable enough for commercial landscapes as well. Even better, the plants pictured were growing in what turned out to be essentially boggy, saturated soil, in the landscape of a certain unnamed local water agency, watered twice a week continuously since installation, all year, all weather, right through three years of RECORD drought! And not even one died. Thanks and a tip o' the hat to our lovable agency for that useful test, they whom endlessly flog water conservation and favor restrictions while strong arming away from their rightful current owners as many surface and groundwater assets as they can. Grow in as much sun as possible, in almost soil except (maybe) the heaviest clays, and apparently yes it takes wet soils. Pretty darned good in containers too. Hardy to 15F at least, probably much less. USDA zone 7/Sunset zone 4-9, 14-24. rev 7/2017

-- from our grower's website