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MBN 1Gal Elymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' 05560

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MBN 1Gal Elymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' 05560
Product Details

Horticultural selection from Elymus condensatus. This medium grass, a selection of the hardy Leymus condensatus, has striking blue-green foliage that adds interest and color contrast to any landscape. Its powdery blue flower stalks grow 1' -2' above the broad leaves and can be cut and used in floral arrangements. This specimen grass can be used in a variety of ways; filling large patio containers or spilling over small planters. The foliage color contrasts nicely with the dark green of Ceanothus or Manzanitas. In addition to its aesthetic value, it is a great slope stabilizer, adaptable to many soils, drought tolerant but will also tolerate watering. Cut back every few years for best appearance.

Horticultural selection L. condensatus: origin = cuttings (1968) by Ralph Philbrick, Prince Island off san Miguel Island, santa Barbara Co.; intro sBBG 1986. Tolerates almost any soil type. Prefers sun in coastal sites, and sun or part shade in inland sites. Selection of E.condensatus from prince Island off of san Miguel Island. Introduced by santa Barbara Botanic Garden.Thanks to Moosa Creek Nursery and the Theodore Payne Foundation for sharing information about this plant
