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MBN 1Gal Blueberry 'O'Neal'

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MBN 1Gal Blueberry 'O'Neal'
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Probably the earliest variety, a robust, fast grower. Considered by some to have the best flavor of any of the Southern Highbush types, described at least once as "terrific." I like it, and tasted some of the fruit from the 5' plant pictured, growing in my friend Clark's yard. Fruit is medium dark blue, medium large, on bushes to about 4-5' tall. A very early ripener with chill requirement stated to be 4-500 hours, I believe the story is different: it wants cool mornings without sunlight on its branches, and if you give it that you can grow it in very warm-winter climates. Has nice pink flowers, and great fall color too; purple bronze then bright scarlet red and hot orange over yellow. Local home grower Jerry Stanhoff reports this to be a continuous summer bearer for him, at 800' in the Santa Cruz Mountains, with "great" fruit that are greedily scavenged by his wife and kids before he gets almost any. We see fruit ripening here as soon as January, even after hard freezes. You gotta like that! USDA zone 4-9/Sunset zones 1-8, 14-17.