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MBN 1Gal Anigozanthos 'Gold Velvet' 13350

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MBN 1Gal Anigozanthos 'Gold Velvet' 13350
Product Details

KANGAROO PAWS clumping evergreen plants with grass-like foliage that bear tall stalks of fuzzy, unusual, tubular flowers, often in striking colors. They can be used as focal point specimens or massed in banks. All make excellent cut flowers or container plants. Sun to part shade, average drainage (at least), little summer watering when established. They do well in pots and are pretty forgiving. I can't figure out what their flower initiation signal is, they seem to be continuously in bloom. They may initiate at cool (not cold) temperatures and so be everblooming along the coast. They will survive 20°F by resprouting from below. The hybrid varieties we offer are more disease resistant and vigorous than the species. Famous local landscape designer Dave Leroy opines that the dwarf forms are best used in situations where snail/slug loads are minimal else they will eat through the base of the emerging stems until they fall over. The tall forms grow fast enough and harden quickly enough that this is usually not a problem, but the dwarf forms he prefers require siting in either drier or more inland situations or conscientious baiting. Most of the following varieties are hardy to Sunset zone 8, USDA zone 9. Haemodoraceae. Australia.

'Gold Velvet' PP21178 - midsized Kangaroo Paw just right for landscape, flower bed or border, and containers. The golden yellow flowers repeat bloom into summer and make the most interesting bouquets. This clumper grows about 20-28" tall, with flowers to 36-40".