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MBN 1Gal Adiantum capillus-veneris 05989

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MBN 1Gal Adiantum capillus-veneris 05989
Product Details
SOUTHERN MAIDENHAIR FERN a rather short, evergreen fern of very light, airy texture that appreciates at least three quarters shade, a relatively constant source of water, and moderate temperature levels. It is probably the shortest and most compact of the Maidenhair Ferns that are commonly sold. This is also one of the easiest Maidenhairs to grow, forming dense colonies of very dark green leaves by sending out short underground stolons. It has the vigor to fill beds or planters and exclude weeds. It can take a freeze due to its stoloniferous nature, but don't expect it to survive in cold winter areas. Worldwide in distribution, in tropical and temperate regions. The race found growing in the wild in California often occurs on limestone or dolomite seeps. Distinguished from our other native species, A. jordanii, by its pinnae (leaflets), which are cut and irregularly margined in A. capillus-veneris versus rounded with smooth margins in A. jordanii.