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Griggs 5Gal Romneya coulteri 10145

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Griggs 5Gal Romneya coulteri 10145
Product Details

Common Name: Matilija poppy

Plant Type: Deciduous perennial

Family: Papaveraceae (The Poppy Family)

Geographic Origin: California

California Native?: Yes

Plant Size: To 8-10 feet high

Landscape/Garden Uses: Mixed plantings

Flowering Season: Summer

Flower Color: White

Exposure: Full sun

Soils: Well-drained soil

Suggested Irrigation: Moderate to no watering

Estimated Hardiness: Hardy to 0 degrees F. or less

This is a giant semishrubby perennial, spreading by rhizomes underground to form large colonies of thick, branched stems up to 10 feet tall. Both these and the divided, toothed 2-6 inch leaves are bright bluish green in color. Clusters of white blossoms with golden centers, measuring up to 8 inches across, are carried at the shoot tips in summer. Their petals are broad and textured like crepe paper. Sun, well drained soil, moderate to no watering when established. Invasive shoots should be pulled or spaded out from time to time. When planting, take care to disturb the root ball as little as possible, as fine roots are easily injured and may not recover readily.