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Griggs 5Gal Garrya elliptica 'Evie'

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Griggs 5Gal Garrya elliptica 'Evie'
Product Details

Common Name:Silktassel

Plant Type:Evergreen shrub

Family:Garryaceae (The Silktassel Family)

Geographic Origin:California

California Native?:Yes

Plant Size:10 feet+ high

Landscape/Garden Uses:Foundation plantings

Flowering Season:Winter and spring

Flower Color:Not applicable

Exposure:Sun or light shade

Soils:Well-drained soil

Suggested Irrigation:Moderate to no watering

Estimated Hardiness:Hardy to 15 degrees F. or less

Wayne Roderick's outstanding selection of a shrubby coastal native is a strong grower, quickly reaching 10 feet or more and producing a thicket of shoots from the base. The 2-3 inch leaves somewhat resemble those of a live oak in their shape and wavy margins. They are more closely spaced along the stems in this selection than in the better-known 'James Roof'. In winter and early spring heavy clusters of pale green, often purple-tinged male catkins appear at the branch tips and elongate into pendant tassels up to 1 foot long. This plant responds well to pruning and may be used in large hedges and screens as well as free standing. Sun or light shade, reasonably well drained soil, moderate to no supplemental watering when established. Hardy to 15 degrees F. or less.