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BI Wild Bergamot Org 6012

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BI Wild Bergamot Org 6012
Product Details

Native to U.S. prairies, this heirloom is also known as monarda, horsemint, wild bee balm, and Oswego tea (because of its use by Native Americans). Its complex flavor is a combination of oregano, thyme, and mint; a unique seasoning for jellies, salads, and other savory dishes. The showy, pinkish-lavender flowers bloom all summer to the delight of bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies, the wood nymph butterfly in particular. Adaptable to short periods of drought and poor soils and resistant to mildew. Perennial in USDA zones 3 to 9. Deer resistant.

Botanical Name: Monarda fistulosa

Family: Lamiaceae

Native: Most of North America east of the Rocky Mountains

Hardiness: Perennial in USDA zones 3–9

Plant Dimensions: 36"–48" tall and about 18"–24" wide

Variety Information: Pink to light-lavender, ¾"–1¼" florets are arranged in a whorl around a pincushion-like center, creating a 2"–4" flattened pom-pom-shaped flower

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade

Bloom Period: Blooms summer to fall

Attributes: Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Pollinators, Cut Flower, Deer Resistant, Drought Tolerant, Edible Flower, Heat Tolerant