At The Plant Foundry, we’re excited to be a new retail location for Wild Boar Farms tomatoes! This is the first time we’ve had a dedicated selection of Wild Boar tomato varieties, grown by Brad Gates himself! When we run out of this batch of plants, we should still be able to bring in a few Wild Boar starts from some of our other fine growers. For the biggest selection, though, shop now.
If you’re not familiar with Wild Boar Farms, it’s an exotic tomato farm owned by husband and wife team, Brad and Janet Gates. Brad is well known in these parts as a passionate tomato breeder… growing, field testing and selecting what he likes to call “heirlooms of the future”.
“Modern heirlooms” is another way to describe Wild Boar tomatoes, and I get the sense that Brad’s focus is on cultivating the most colorful, flavorful, and unique tomato varieties possessing those deep, rich flavors carried forward by past generations, while gradually increasing the productivity and vigor that is sometimes missing in older heirlooms. Regarding color… keep an eye out for Wild Boar Farms’ blue/black/purple tomatoes, which are not only beautiful in a giant cartoon blueberry sort of way, but they are also packed with antioxidants.
It’s also important to note that Wild Boar Farms tomatoes are grown organically, sustainably, and are non-GMO.
This is next level salad stuff we’re talking about. These are the gorgeous tomatoes you ogle at our best farmers’ markets and make a beeline for at our finest gourmet grocery stores. Why not grow your own?
~ Angela