March is a fantastic month for vegging out on all the veggies! It’s time to plant…
Cool-Season Veggie Starts
Spring is nearly here, yet it’s still cool enough to continue planting cool-season veggies and herbs like lettuce, chard, peas, and a lot more.
Warm-Season Veggies from Seed (And a Few Starts)
At the same time that you’re planting an array of cool-season veggies and herbs, you may also want to start seeds of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant indoors! Now’s the time, and our seed racks are stocked! With the unseasonably warm weather we’ve been having, we’re even bringing in our first batch of tomatoes this coming week. Expect to see grafted ‘Stupice’, ‘Super Sweet 100’ and ‘Early Girl’ on our tables by the end of the week. With early planting comes a caution– soil and air temperatures are still relatively cool, so plan on using plant insulators, soil insulators, or grow the starts in your greenhouse or cold frame until nighttime soil temps warm up to at least 50-55 degrees.
If you’re a newbie or you’re not in a hurry, skip the early plants and wait for April. If you’d like to try growing tomatoes, peppers or eggplant from seed, come see what’s on our seed racks from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Renee’s, Botanical Interests and Hudson Valley Seed Company and start those seeds now!
Most of our warm-season veggie starts will arrive in April. Selection gradually climbs to a peak, and then winds back down. The varieties we carry vary weekly, since our growers offer us different availability lists each week.
We are expecting organic white seed potatoes and sweet potatoes any day now (hopefully this week). Call us at 916-917-5787 for updates. We’ll also post to social media when they arrive. Potatoes planted on St. Patrick’s Day should give you potatoes by 4th of July!
Soon we’ll have basil plants growing in our yards again. Basil and peppers and tomatoes, oh my!