2020 fruit trees and roses arrived in January and you can check our website or visit the nursery to see what we ordered… and only a few days ago, 2020 small bare-root plants arrived! While we pot up our roses and fruit trees upon arrival, small bare-root plants like strawberries and rhubarb lend themselves are sold truly bare-root… This is a very economical way to purchase these plants, and we select varieties that are known for good flavor and overall performance in the garden.

What We Ordered


Everbearing Strawberries:

“Everbearing strawberry plants begin to form flower buds when day length is 12 hours or more per day. True everbearing strawberry plants produce two to three separate yields of strawberries, one crop in spring to early summer, another crop in midsummer in cooler climates, and the last crop in late summer to early fall.” – https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/strawberry/everbearing-strawberry-plants.htm



‘Albion’ everbearing: large uniform fruit and presents a distinguishable robust flavor and a rich red color.

‘Eversweet’ everbearing: patented,long, conical fruit. Produces well all summer and into fall. Heat tolerant. Similar to Hecker.

‘Seascape’ everbearing: has fruit that is medium to long conic shape and firm. It has outstanding flavor and appearance.


Spring Crop Strawberries

“June bearing strawberries produce a crop during a two-to-three week period in the spring. June-bearers produce flowers, fruits and runners. They are classified into early, mid-season and late varieties.” – https://web.extension.illinois.edu/strawberries/growing.cfm

‘Rainier’ spring crop: extra hardy, best home garden variety from standpoint of fruit quality and disease resistance.


‘Shuksan’ spring crop: late, extra hardy, tolerates alkaline soils.



‘Crimson Cherry’


‘Crimson Cherry’: Stalks are cooked and used in pies, desserts and sauces. Known for its bright red color, tenderness, rich flavor and heavy yields. Grows about three feet tall and up to five feet wide.


Excellent large, juicy red stalks have the best flavor for pies, sauces and other desserts. Heavy bearing plants are quite ornamental in the garden. A true old time favorite, it makes for great early season eating while your waiting for the first fruits to ripen.


Note: You must plant both Nova and York together. We are selling them as a pair. This is a new crop for us, and there isn’t a lot of growing information available to us yet. They are said to be cold-hardy and easy to grow. Here’s a link to get you started. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/elderberry/planting-elderberry.htm


Elderberry known for its tender, deep purple berries used in jams, jellies, pies, and wines.


“Old Style” elderberry known for having large berries and high fruit yields.


‘Mary Washington’