Winter is officially here! We are still carrying a small selection of winter veggies that you can plant now from starts, but diehards will also be wanting to start tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and basil and certain flowers (calendula, cornflower, snapdragon, etc.) and herbs indoors from seed this month. Take that, grey days!
If you subscribe to our eNewsletter via Facebook or in the footer of our home page, you’ll have access to our monthly printable “What to Plant” and “What to Do in the Garden” lists. You can also view these handy lists on your phone while you peruse our seed racks. A new Baker Creek Heirloom Seed order is on its way this week, and we also have seeds from Renee’s and Botanical Interests.
We’ve also stocked everything you need for seed starting: seedling mix, greenhouse trays and domes, plant labels and fiber pot inserts.
Happy New Year! Happy Planting!