Mother Nature has given us a green light to plant nearly everything under the sun. Here’s a sampling of what you can plant now–

1. Fruit Trees

From dwarf citrus to stone fruits… we have plenty of varieties for your backyard orchard. But hurry… some varieties like ‘Fuyu’ persimmon are already out of stock.

2. Landscape Plants

Spring is a great time to plant landscape plants, from foundation shrubs to vines. We stock our favorites, so come see what’s available.

3. Seasonal Bedding Plants

Color, color, color! Start thinking about warm-season color like petunias, million bells, sweet alyssum, bacopa and more.

4. Herbs & Veggies

Tomatoes and basil are back in stock. Enough said!

5. Succulents and Cacti

With their sculptural forms and low water needs, succulents and cacti are an integral part of the California garden. Our soils tend toward clayeyness, so make sure the succs you’re planting can tolerate heavy soil or you’ve created a layer of fast-draining cactus mix in a raised planting area, or perhaps consider growing cacti and succulents in containers.

6. Potatoes

Now’s the time to plant seed potatoes! Ours are certified-organic, and are sold by the pound.

7. Summer-blooming Bulbs

Summer bulbs have arrived and the time to plant is now!